Comparison between a Physical Therapist and a CNA

Physical therapists and certified nursing assistants are one of the health care professionals that people usually choose to jumpstart their career. These are one of the most in-demand professionals in the job market today. They can be compared in many ways, and the way to start their comparison is through their educational instruction: physical therapy degrees and CNA training programs.

Physical therapy in the United States is provided by traditional colleges and physical therapy schools, and in order to earn a license in this certain profession, an undergraduate degree is not enough. In the 213 schools in the United States offering physical therapy programs, 206 of them now have post-baccalaureate degrees or Doctor of Physical Therapy programs. It is to be completed after three years in order to become a PT.

On the other hand, the method of engaging in the educational program for certified nursing assistants is through CNA training. To earn a CNA certification, one must be a high school graduate or has taken a GED test. The curriculum is implemented by community colleges and nursing facilities that offer CNA courses. After 75 hours of training, with 16 hours of clinical practice, the person is now a certified nursing assistant.

Of course, the big comparison that can be drawn out from these two professionals is their line of work. It isn’t surprising that their duties and responsibilities are almost the same because they are both in the field of health care services. It is important to emphasize, though, that physical therapists and certified nursing assistants are very poles apart in providing health care.

A physical therapist is the one who takes care of patients by carefully putting them back into their normal, physical condition. They serve patients that underwent surgery or had experience an untoward accident. The certified nursing assistant, on the other hand, takes care of the patients and provides their daily assistance needs. Think about taking care of the elderly with their need to carry out daily activities; that is what a CNA does.