Do’s in Certified Nursing Assistant Job Interview

If you have successfully hurdled the CNA training and passed the CNA certification exam given by the state, then the next task you should focus your attention and dedication to is the job interviews. To help you nail the job interview, this article will be talking about simple do’s that one shouldn’t neglect in their interviews.

To be honest, there are a lot of certified nursing assistants out there ready to compete with you guys. If you want to get hired soon, then you should be thinking on how you can sell yourself better to the employers. Below are some useful tips that will surely increase your chances of being hired.

·         Be confident – this is the first thing you shouldn’t forget, the moment you enter the room for your interview, you should be able to show the employer that you are confident in the interview. Confidence means readiness and preparedness.

·         Be honest – in making your resumes, only put the information which are true, this way you will have an easy time dealing with the interview. If you put some flower information just to impress the interviewer then you will certainly have a hard time in the interview. Most of the time, employers check their applicants’ resume if they are true.

·         Show them the qualities they need – nursing assistants should be patient, caring, smiling and alert. These are the qualities that should be in a nursing assistant. All of these qualities have been taught since day 1 of the CNA training. If you want to leave a good impression with your interviewer, then show them that you possess these qualities.

·         Tell them what you have done – rather than telling them what you will do , or the duties and responsibilities of nursing assistant, it is better if you tell them what you have done in the past that led you to what you are now. Focus on awards and accomplishments you have done in your training and internships.