Certified Nursing Assistants are growing in number these days. Nursing Assistants who are trained and certified can work even with little supervision from the nurses and physicians. In the health care setting, their roles play a major impact on meeting the needs of the patients. The tasks of these professionals are centered to patient’s basic care.

However, attending a CNA training and get certified is a prerequisite. The CNA training comprises class discussion and hands-on training. CNA training can be an on-campus or online. It’s choice of the individual which class to attend. Basically, getting CNA certification via attending classes in schools and universities is by far, more effective than online classes. The direct interface between the mentor and the individual allows effective learning to take place. Clarifications are resolved, and questions are answered in on-campus training. The school or university will surely guide your studies by providing accurate information and monitoring the hours required in classes and hands-on training in order to CNA certified. On the other hand, some people opt for online classes due to time flexibility, and some courses are offered free. CNA training through online classes is about learning at your own pace. The person studies at his own time and methodologies. Also because of Internet connection, you can free to browse, and expand your research and learning into different sites. However, online information does not necessarily provide you correct and accurate details.

There are a lot of schools and universities that offer CNA training. However, the training offered by American Nurse Association Commission would be a lot better in obtaining a CNA certification, as the association will also assist the individual in obtaining a job after the program. The program varies in length; however, it usually takes 9 to 12 months long. After completing the training, you will take NNAP (National Nurse Aide Assessment) examination in order to be officially CNA certified.