Geriatric Physical Therapists vs. Certified Nursing Assistants

A geriatric physical therapist is a PT that specializes on the overall well-being of the elderly. He has a doctorate in physical therapy, which is why he can perform the task. A certified nursing assistant, in most cases, provide genuine personal care towards the elderly, too. He has a certification that he acquired after taking CNA training and taking a CNA exam.

What is so different about these professionals? Although they work in the same field of clinical medicine, their line of work is very different. It is important to know, though, that the training they acquired, as what was mentioned above, although implemented in a different way have the same basic knowledge. These two professionals learned the theoretical concepts of clinical medicine.

The practical standpoints of these two professionals differ. For a geriatric physical therapist, their management for the patient or client is geared towards the physical attributes of the patient or client and on how he could carefully restore the normal physical condition of the patient. These learning skills are earned by taking a doctorate in physical therapy, or even with only a Master’s degree.

For a CNA, patient management is geared towards assisting the daily activities of patients who are either recovering from surgery or are now incapable of performing regular daily activities, such as the elderly. Their line of work is reflected through their CNA training program. Their duties and responsibilities are implemented because of their CNA certification.

A geriatric PT eases the pain of the elderly by helping them who are experiencing age-related ailments that are inhibiting them to walk, stand or raise their hands, such as arthritis. A CNA eases the pain of the elderly by helping them with their activities that they cannot do because of age or age-related illnesses. A CNA feeds them, dresses them, and gives them emotional support.