
What are Certified Nursing Assistants?

Certified Nursing Assistants are health care team members who are tasks to assist Registered Nurses in taking care of patients’ needs. In order to work legally and become CNA certified, you have to undergo CNA training, and obtain a CNA certification through passing the licensing exam. CNA duties are generally checking patient’s vital signs, assisting the patient in their ADLs and hygiene practices, recording I & O, and some medical procedures such as catheterization, CPR and NGT insertion.

What is CNA Training Program all about?

Before the person takes a licensing examination for CNA, he or she must undergo CNA training. In some states, they are requiring a specified number of hours to obtain. The CNA program can be settled as on-campus class or online training. The person will be taught on different concepts and theories, likewise will be sharpening skills through hands-on experience. The person will be learning basic nursing concepts, patient safety, legal issues of health practice and other related topics.

CNA training program is also available in nursing homes and community. One can be trained for free at these institutions, provided that he or she will be working on them as a staff after becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant. The advantages of this kind of training are the entire program is free; the training is more of hands-on practice and a job that awaits you. In United States, Red Cross CNA training is the best and most recommended training ground for potential nursing assistants. Their program follows a national standard of CAN training. For those who have a busy schedule and want to attend CNA training classes at his or her own pace, online CNA Training is the best for you.

CNA career is without a doubt a demanding yet very rewarding career. In some states, LPN training can be taken as a course by a CNA and end up becoming a LPN or physician’s assistant.